Monday 13 October 2014

Everyday wellness Hero's - My inspirations 5

Teenage years only playing softball
Improper eating in my teens

When you are young and you think you are in love, you sometimes let those people who claim to love you walk all over you and take advantage of you. You let these people make you feel like you are worthless and don't deserve better. You let them critique your body and make you feel like you are fat and ugly. You begin to believe every little negative thing they say to you about yourself. You become depressed and hardly anything makes you happy. 

One year before I started my health and fitness journey 

Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Essential C-300 Movement - 20/20 Vision

Don't have to be perfect. Just have to start. We all have the seed of greatness breathed inside. Time to sprout.

You become what you repeatedly do.

I've had some discussions recently that pretty much ended with people saying the following.
"One person can't make a significant difference in reality, that's wishful thinking." They also said the world and it's people really don't want better. I disagreed...strongly.  Recently I've heard many people express fear about the future, government control on their lives, and pretty much living in chaotically violent desperation where quiet desperation once existed.

Do it anyway.

Monday 15 September 2014

Pepper - A Hero from my perspective

When someone has your back, even when the front is all wack...keep em for life.
Pepper and I at her birthday.

Pepper organised my birthday with my special people

I am often told by "tiny tot Pepper" that I talk to long so I will make this short and sweet.

Tiny Tot Pepper...for real. Too cute.

I would take a bullet for few people in my world. Pepper is one of them. 3 years ago she shyly excused her way into my life and helped make my company's, missions and purpose work. At that time she was often a very sickly young girl. I experienced her having severe allergies and other health issues for many months out of the year. In spite of that I saw her in her mid twenties work hard to increase her health so that she eventually even run a 16 km obstacle course. She doesn't believe the impact that she has on  my life and my family. But I am dedicated to spend my life making sure she knows.

Always being there for someone is the only thing that feels better than when someone is always there for you

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Everyday wellness Heroes - My inspirations 4

Everything happens for a reason. I have been trying to post this for a few days but for some reason the system wouldn't allow. Then on her "champagne birthday" it finally posts.

Happy Birthday Pepper!

Meeting Pepper was a challenge to say the least from the beginning but fate has a way of always coming in first. So many things have happened in the years I've known Pepper. (Only she could get away with calling me a fruit I despise.) But that's just it. Nothing is typical with her and if your world intersects with hers' then your life will forever be impacted. I wish you could see the person she was, who she is and where she is going like I do. Inspiration is more empowering when those who think they can't and are told they can' That is what I hope to share with you. We are often brainwashed into a failure or self destructive mindset. With the right focus, will to hold on and someone to believe in you anything is possible. I believe in Pepper...not just because she believes in me but because like few people, she did so when there was little reason to. Here is her story.

“You don’t need to be GREAT to start but you have to START to be great.” 

As a person with low self esteem and a lack of confidence, that statement is an eye roller. I never thought of myself as being capable of good let alone great. I never had the courage to be bold or step out of my comfort zone. It was all new to me when I met Banana. He pushed me beyond my limits and showed me that thriving and bettering myself is one thing I need to do for me.

 “YOU have to believe in yourself because if you don’t, then NO ONE else will.”

Friday 25 July 2014

Gloria - A Hero from my perspective

Always there for her family...always making something out of nothing!

Rare relaxed moment in Hawaii.

I almost don't know where to begin. I think many couples take their spouse for granted much less see the hero in them. On the positive...It is easy for me now to see the hero in Gloria. The down side is that it took  so long and required so much suffering and sacrifice in order to recognize it. But isn't that the way life goes!

We're talking about wellness Hero's and to many it would seem that I was the wellness hero in my family. Not so...

Monday 23 June 2014

Everyday Wellness Heroes...My inspirations 3

Meet Gloria,

An important disclaimer. I am not a doctor, unless other wise stated the contributors to this blog post are not doctors and are not attempting to give medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing any health habits. Just because something worked for an individual does not mean it will work for you. We are not employees of any health company. Not every statement in answer to my questions will be my opinion, C3 Wellness, Essential Care's or TriVita's. The purpose of this information is to share one person's journey so that you can fortify more courage to start or further pursue your own. Please use common sense and talk to a professional about your specific circumstances.
When I was in High School I went to a boarding academy. After my first year there I gained 25lbs going from 105 lbs to 130 lbs. Worst shape of my life!

Friday 23 May 2014

Ellen - A Hero from my perspective-backstage

Ellen said we've known each other since about 16 years of age. That sounds so much better than the quarter century that I have considered Ellen as one of my best friends. She also happens to be one of the smartest people I know. I can talk to her about anything and everything. She was the only person that could successfully make me drive 5km under the speed limit the entire way home from school which took forever. At least I had her company to calm the boredom. That was a quarter century ago.



Training for The Spartan/Warrior Dash

Thursday 10 April 2014

Everyday wellness Hero's...My Inspirations 2

Meet Ellen

An important disclaimer. I am not a doctor, unless other wise stated the contributors to this blog post are not doctors and are not attempting to give medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing any health habits. Just because something worked for an individual does not mean it will work for you. We are not employees of any health company. Not every statement in answer to my questions will be my opinion, C3 Wellness, Essential Care's or TriVita's. The purpose of this information is to share one person's journey so that you can fortify more courage to start or further pursue your own. Please use common sense and talk to a professional about your specific circumstances.

I promised two things in previous blogs that I have not forgotten.

  1. picture updates of my personal transformation journey so far
  2. information detailing why I take the supplements I do
Before I do that I  wanted to take a short break to introduce you to several individuals that have been on their own wellness journey, people that for different reasons inspire me, people that do what they do in their own unique way. These people are just like you and I. They have their good days, great days and regrettable days. I think you will be inspired and challenged by what they share. I think you will see how similar we all are and why we need to band together as a community and pursue wellness with passion. I asked several questions and here are the responses. So without any further delay, I want to introduce you to one of my best friends, Ellen.

"What does wellness mean to you?" my friend Ray asked me.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Martina - a Hero from my perspective-backstage

When I Met Martina she did what she always did. Bubbled with enthusiasm. She could have just gone through the motions like most people do when meeting people but she did not. She could have dragged all the drama and issues of her personal life into our connections and taken out personal frustrations on me but she didn't. The truth is Martina was just one person that I connected with at one of the banks I use but she always went above and beyond her role. She engaged with me as a fellow human and I responded.

Friday 28 March 2014

Everyday Wellness inspirations

Meet Martina, (AKA Demi Moore)

An important disclaimer. I am not a doctor, unless other wise stated the contributors to this blog post are not doctors and are not attempting to give medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing any health habits. Just because something worked for an individual does not mean it will work for you. We are not employees of any health company. Not every statement in answer to my questions will be my opinion, C3 Wellness, Essential Care's or TriVita's. The purpose of this information is to share one person's journey so that you can fortify more courage to start or further pursue your own. Please use common sense and talk to a professional about your specific circumstances.

I promised two things in previous blogs that I have not forgotten.

  1. picture updates of my personal transformation journey so far
  2. information detailing why I take the supplements I do
Before I do that I  wanted to take a short break to introduce you to several individuals that have been on their own wellness journey, people that for different reasons inspire me, people that do what they do in their own unique way. These people are just like you and I. They have their good days, great days and regrettable days. I think you will be inspired and challenged by what they share. I think you will see how similar we all are and why we need to band together as a community and pursue wellness with passion. I asked several questions and here are the responses. So without any further delay, I want to introduce you to my dear friend Martina.

Monday 24 March 2014



We often allow fear of people's thoughts, assumptions and judgments get the best of us. Amazing what happens when we take a risk and do what is necessary in order to get what we want.
So many people I know make decisions in their life and when people do not agree or see things as they do the first instinct is to run and hide. The big challenge is that we cannot run or hide from ourselves. So while we may feel good in the absence of challenge we should remember that...
...without resistance, nothing grows!*

Thursday 20 March 2014

"I love it when a plan comes together!"

Who needs a plan B when you are the A-Team! 

I know people are reading this all over the world. South Korea, Mexico, Germany, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, USA and of course Canada but bare with me...

Some of you may remember the A-Team. They were a group of rag- tag military convicts turned mercenaries. They all had different personalities. BA (muscle), Face (smooth talker), Murdoch (crazy jack of all trades/genius) and the General (the meticulous planner).

I love it when a plan comes together! You probably remember that line. The General was the master mind. He made sure that there was always a plan and that every aspect was covered. There was no plan B because Plan A was thorough and took everything into account. Now I know that there is no such thing as perfection but do you even know what kind of awesome you are capable of when you put all of you to work on a challenge?

At the finish line with Gianna's brother and sister-in-law

Saturday 15 March 2014

Old "only" School

Old School

Kid and Play, BBD, Ralf Tresvant, Atari, Nintendo 64, high top fades, Kriss Kross... You know you are an 80's kid when!

If I asked you to go back to a happy time in your youth most of you have an immediate picture in your head right now.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Live Fast Die Young! Stress: The Gauranteed way to fail before you start


stress sweat, stress acne, stress fat, stress breath, stress pain, stress fatigue, stress insomnia, stress eating, stress starvation, stress hoarding, stress death!
We are constantly sold on new issues we have and ways to deal with them. Stress seems to be at the heart of many cosmetic, health and relational issues. But my reality is that stress actually does effect whether or not I experience wellness. It effects my workouts, how I eat and I am willing to bet it effects those things for you too.
S3 by D3 because of C3 while embracing ARC!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Purposed. One word worth a thousand picture's?

Real. That is what pictures, recordings and writings do. They transmit real things from one person to another. Those things still have to be interpreted. That is where things often fall apart. We look in the mirror at our muffin top and we see failure. We look down at our stretch marks and we feel shame. We see parts of our chest droop and we sense inevitable age. Our wrinkles, sun spots and imperfect everything tell us (and we assume everyone else) how flawed we are.

Maybe if we changed our perspective on real, beauty and wellness we would have a better appreciation for ourselves and in turn others we meet. We can be kind to others often while we tear ourselves apart.

So at the risk of looking far less than perfect which I am I wanted to post some pictures. Before I start my transformation. I am adding others as well because I think many people are fooled by so many weight loss hype systems that often only work because they starve people to death.

I refuse to look good at the risk of being healthy. I just  recently have been in the hospital visiting yet another friends dad who has had yet another heart attack, dozens (yes I said dozens) of stints, dialysis, collapsed vessels and so many other health problems. This gentleman in his 50's has lived with poor health for the last 20 years.

There has to be a better way. The 10 Essentials for well being could radically change all these health issues and I am willing to bet transform ones body into an ideal specimen. We do not need to do long term harm for short term good. If we can manage our expectations we can do long term good that will also in time benefit all areas.

227 lbs,  Bloated and soft

Monday 24 February 2014

In the middle of "The Begining"

So, a journey is beginning. For the last several years I have been fighting to overcome obstacles and challenges. One of the decisions I made was to do something every year that inspires me. Really it could be big or small but it must be significant. You see, after waking up from surgery and looking out the window at the early morning sun I pondered on those things that are most important. Living a full life and impacting those people that I love and care for in a positive way was high on my gratitude list. So over time I will take you back to times, events, messages and thoughts that I have had in the past but just like life waits for no one...I will begin with the here and now.

This is the year of my 40th birthday. It wouldn't be so bad but I remember as a youngster having one of those "holy" football type jersey shirts from the 80's that had the number 33 on it. It just so happened that my aunt turned 33 that year...I thought she was so old! And now I am older than that. Too quick.

I will attempt to share things about C3, Wellness (10 Essentials), Mental Toughness and my purpose. This is meant to be a journey and hopefully it will have a positive impact on  people along the way.

So to begin, I am attempting to prepare mentally and physically for a physique competition. I will need to find time, dedicate resources, gain about  20 pounds of muscle and lose about 40 pounds of fat...this year. I also plan on helping people close to me like my brother Phil, my entire immediate family, Pepper and a few business associates get in the best health and wellbeing they have ever been in this year...2014. But it all begins with me. Because I believe that looking good is only part of a healthy lifestyle there will be other aspects as well. I will be journeying to better wellness, lower cholesterol, better blood pressure, more efficient oxygen use, lower inflammation, better kidney and liver function. These things along with better use of time and money towards my stated purpose and passions will make 2014 a year to remember. To laugh a bit more and cry. To live more random kindness as a way of life. To better example 360 degree wellness and have that show in my body, demeanor, finances and relationships. Finally, because of relationships built over the last several years I look forward to giving back. In Africa with thousands of meals and India with wellness/health clinics. That is what this journey is about. The pictures are just minor reference points along the way. They are visual reminders of the struggle to do good, make a difference and enact change in ones own life so that it can impact the world around. I hope you enjoy while figuring out the direction of your journey. Attitude and Relentless Consistency (ARC) C3.