Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Essential C-300 Movement - 20/20 Vision

Don't have to be perfect. Just have to start. We all have the seed of greatness breathed inside. Time to sprout.

You become what you repeatedly do.

I've had some discussions recently that pretty much ended with people saying the following.
"One person can't make a significant difference in reality, that's wishful thinking." They also said the world and it's people really don't want better. I disagreed...strongly.  Recently I've heard many people express fear about the future, government control on their lives, and pretty much living in chaotically violent desperation where quiet desperation once existed.

Do it anyway.

From striking teachers, to eroding middle class, struggling business owners to angry single moms, Parents of school age children to should be retirees. Everyone seems to be crying out for relief to some physical, financial, relational, spiritual or mental challenge. People seem to pretend on social media that everything is great and then confide only in nightmares the abandoned reality of a life unfulfilled.

Successful people aren't better. They just don't accept failure as an option.

I for one am tired of living less than my best. I am tired of people living miserable lives and thinking that is normal. Tired of being frustrated at finances controlling how we live, the clothes we buy, when we give, where we go and how well or if we will ever experience wellness. I am tired of people hating people...especially themselves. I am tired of parents modelling hopelessness and mediocrity to their children. I am tired of people making their problems so much larger than a God who gave them life and breath.

Love is the greatest performance enhancing drug known to man.

We deserve more. The 3rd world children deserve more. Somebody has to do something with what they are given and even though  I am a broken, flawed and in many ways weak man...I am also a miracle with a dream and the passion to pursue it till my last breath. Like the Spartan 300 (movie) I accept my life. "No retreat. No surrender. Death on the battlefield of service is the greatest glory." No pain. No mercy.

Stop talking about it. Be about it.

We all have our own way of living our life but we all need to support each other in the combined pursuit of making each other's life better in consistent ways. For me I will use hair, health and home (H3). I have been given a burning desire to inspire people to better wellness which has allowed me to help 10's of thousands of people over 14 years between Essential Hair and Care Clinics, C3 Life & Wellness and now Essential Home and Care. But even miracle wellness stories, multiple millions in revenue generated and clients that are friends and consumers for over a decade means nothing if one focuses on the wrong things or loses their purpose.

Risk all and you will gain everything. Risk nothing and you will lose it all.

I am clear about my purpose. I am also clear about the opportunities I have been offered in order to accomplish my God given purpose. My goal is to help 100 hair clients HAIR 100 with their hair loss, 100 health clients HEALTH 100 with detox and weight loss and 100 homes HOME 100 remove toxic products and detox by Dec 31 2014. I want to track numbers publicly as well as results because doing this will help hundreds directly as far as wellness is concerned plus because of the drink a shake feed a child program TriVita works with Toms shoe program creator on, this will feed 2000 hungry children in Africa with non-gmo full spectrum meals and so much more. My ultimate goal is to enable frustrated and stuck people to see that stress, disease, anger, poverty, hopelessness and generational frustration can be impacted quickly by choice, mental toughness, attitude and trust in God.

Clear out the attic, closet and garage of your life. Then watch what spring cleaning grows.

So as I begin this process and risk failing again...I hope that this cause  will be supported by all of you who are sick and tired of being tired. Tired of quitting in life. Tired of jumping from person to person, job to job business to business, mission to mission and church to church in search of fulfillment. For all of us that just want to make a positive difference and experience a good old fashioned win. This cause is for you. For some, it has been so long since we felt like we were worthy and winners. 

Hair, Health and Home. 

My vehicle to help someone that needs a breather from the crap that life seems to dump. I don't know all the needs the people God will bring around me are but I am sure that I will be able to offer hope. My hope is that you pray for C3 Wellness, Essential Home and Essential Hair and the lives we will touch. Support this 300 mission by learning what we're doing and who we are helping and most of all...take your God given purpose and influence to the next level so we can help those who need us. Our friends, families, the poor, disenfranchised and marginalized. Don't just do a little good...be the good that inspires greatness. Be your individually, beautiful and best you. Last time I risked failing...I succeeded -C3

5 years from now you will wish you started 10 years ago. Carpe Diem.

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