Friday 25 July 2014

Gloria - A Hero from my perspective

Always there for her family...always making something out of nothing!

Rare relaxed moment in Hawaii.

I almost don't know where to begin. I think many couples take their spouse for granted much less see the hero in them. On the positive...It is easy for me now to see the hero in Gloria. The down side is that it took  so long and required so much suffering and sacrifice in order to recognize it. But isn't that the way life goes!

We're talking about wellness Hero's and to many it would seem that I was the wellness hero in my family. Not so...

Anyone that knows me knows I love super hero movies. I think the part I love though is not necessarily the part where the hero invariably kicks but but the part where they are broken with no way out and themselves need rescuing. Other times it is the part where they lack belief in themselves and only with the right prodding and circumstances combined with a mustard seed of faith do they realize their true potential. Think Batman Rises and you will understand.

Sometimes life feels like a Tornado...Hero's still smile through the storm. 

Gloria's story is a long, winding and full of twists kind of story. We met when I was 17 and I was in the best shape of my life. Just over 4% body fat, mind control over most asthma issues, strong, flexible and full of hope. I met Gloria in College and one of my first memories of her was sitting on the sidelines watching me play flag football. It would continue for decades. I would enter contests, events or activities. Gloria would support and watch.

Like most men I have taken an extended time period and scenic pathway to maturity. If truth be told...I am still a ways away. But in my youthful ignorance having Gloria most often watching me do activities irritated me. I wanted her to be more active...more like me. Yes ladies...I had much to learn. But I remember when Gloria started to choose greater activity. I remember when she started martial arts. I remember when she started working out in the gym. Those are all great things. Things that will increase one's wellness. But what really stood out for me was different. The reason my wife became a wellness Hero to me was not because of some huge feat. It was simply because she embraced ongoing crushing challenges with grace while  always prioritizing her family. No she wasn't perfect. Who is. Whether relational blows, health blows, friendship back stabbing she faced it with determination. So after her MS diagnosis she began to reinvent herself .

Finally surprising Gloria after decades...literally.

Wellness starts internally but shows itself externally.  Gloria  has been determined to rewrite her future. MS is a part of her life but one she has decided not to allow control her future. She has become an unofficial poster child for what can happen when proper supplementation and wellness habits are embraced. She inspired 10's of thousands of wellness seekers in my business as well as around the world to take control of their health and never give up hope for better. She also educated herself on her condition and all viable options. Being a Hero is about going further than most normal people would expect. In that case...Gloria is a Hero's hero. Not just because she is my wife but because the role she engages with such grace is one that most people need multiple support personnel to pull off. I have watched her help people that turn around and attack her. I have seen her do as a mother, wife and business owner  multiple times more than accusers could do if  given Apple's budget.

She simply is one of those Super Women that go about serving many with thankless persistence.

One could give up on doing the wisest thing, they could jump ship in relationships, in health choices in career's and miss the fulfillment that comes with knowing you  are living your best you possible. Gloria can do what those timid and weak souls cannot. She can live an authentic and meaningful life of impact without having to hide or pretend. Each day she fights is a day that Women of Worth win. Read more about Gloria at

Like Superwoman...she lept. Has the unlucky number 13 ticket to prove it!

P.S. I must say this one thing. Many of the best super Hero's are so special because they are uniquely flawed. Like a priceless rare antique their value increases with time mostly because there is nothing quite like them. This is especially true for my wife and also my next Hero. Some may not see the value and worth like I do. Many don't appreciate it. Often there are crude edges that cut and wear away but through it all for those who persevere something radiantly beautiful exists. Something that cannot be duplicated except for the special bond created by Love. No matter what. What people say, how we act or what we do. Love is a special part of my perspective when I see the Hero in Gloria Cox. 

Last goodbyes before the Big jump...SuperMom, SuperHero...Supercool!

Gloria...a Hero as big as the giant tree behind us



Family at Gloria's surprise birthday dinner 

A Hero makes others feel like a Hero no matter what. Gloria has always made me feel like a matter what. Thank You!

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