Tuesday 26 August 2014

Everyday wellness Heroes - My inspirations 4

Everything happens for a reason. I have been trying to post this for a few days but for some reason the system wouldn't allow. Then on her "champagne birthday" it finally posts.

Happy Birthday Pepper!

Meeting Pepper was a challenge to say the least from the beginning but fate has a way of always coming in first. So many things have happened in the years I've known Pepper. (Only she could get away with calling me a fruit I despise.) But that's just it. Nothing is typical with her and if your world intersects with hers' then your life will forever be impacted. I wish you could see the person she was, who she is and where she is going like I do. Inspiration is more empowering when those who think they can't and are told they can't...do. That is what I hope to share with you. We are often brainwashed into a failure or self destructive mindset. With the right focus, will to hold on and someone to believe in you anything is possible. I believe in Pepper...not just because she believes in me but because like few people, she did so when there was little reason to. Here is her story.

“You don’t need to be GREAT to start but you have to START to be great.” 

As a person with low self esteem and a lack of confidence, that statement is an eye roller. I never thought of myself as being capable of good let alone great. I never had the courage to be bold or step out of my comfort zone. It was all new to me when I met Banana. He pushed me beyond my limits and showed me that thriving and bettering myself is one thing I need to do for me.

 “YOU have to believe in yourself because if you don’t, then NO ONE else will.”


When I was younger till just a few years ago, I was constantly sick and my body was fragile. I thought the damage I had done to my body due to the lack of proper nutrients and activities were never going to get back to normal. But, with recommended supplements from TriVita, drinking more water, and eating a lot more and healthier options, I have managed to cut down on my sickness, building my immune system and becoming physically active in the process. I was able to finish my very first Spartan Race over 16 km in about 3 hours. Huge deal for me which reminded me of what I was like when I was younger and very physically active.

“The STRUGGLE you’re in today is developing the STRENGTH you need for tomorrow.”


Health and money are things I was never keen about. When I was younger, I thought hospitals were a really big day care for all ages and money was just colored paper. As I grew older, I experienced those two things as by far the biggest strain not only on my family but for many others I know.  Everyone has their own way of showing strength and weakness. My mother has always been the strength and my father, always the weakness. They never had any help and could only rely on each other. There was always a heavy burden especially with 3 kids. The strain took a toll on their health and the money issues were never resolved.

The government and doctors can only provide so much information and knowledge to those who need it. They can’t make you be healthy. I had to learn that talking about your problems and seeking help from those you trust, is not a personal shame. In fact, it can often give you courage to face your problems and the strength to seek more help.

If it weren’t for unexpected surprises and challenging circumstances, I would still be clueless about my health and financial struggles. I am thankful for my parent’s struggles and teaching me that life isn’t how I imagined it and Banana for providing me options for a better and promising future.

“You were given this LIFE because you are STRONG enough to live it.”


In the end, I am happier than I have been before. I still make mistakes, eat unhealthy here and there, get too lazy to go running, sick once in a while, and splurge on shopping sprees because I am far from perfect but I know that I am in a better place and it will only get better with time and focus.

“Setting a GOAL is not the main thing. It is DECIDING how you will go about achieving it and staying with the PLAN.”  

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