Wednesday 26 February 2014

Purposed. One word worth a thousand picture's?

Real. That is what pictures, recordings and writings do. They transmit real things from one person to another. Those things still have to be interpreted. That is where things often fall apart. We look in the mirror at our muffin top and we see failure. We look down at our stretch marks and we feel shame. We see parts of our chest droop and we sense inevitable age. Our wrinkles, sun spots and imperfect everything tell us (and we assume everyone else) how flawed we are.

Maybe if we changed our perspective on real, beauty and wellness we would have a better appreciation for ourselves and in turn others we meet. We can be kind to others often while we tear ourselves apart.

So at the risk of looking far less than perfect which I am I wanted to post some pictures. Before I start my transformation. I am adding others as well because I think many people are fooled by so many weight loss hype systems that often only work because they starve people to death.

I refuse to look good at the risk of being healthy. I just  recently have been in the hospital visiting yet another friends dad who has had yet another heart attack, dozens (yes I said dozens) of stints, dialysis, collapsed vessels and so many other health problems. This gentleman in his 50's has lived with poor health for the last 20 years.

There has to be a better way. The 10 Essentials for well being could radically change all these health issues and I am willing to bet transform ones body into an ideal specimen. We do not need to do long term harm for short term good. If we can manage our expectations we can do long term good that will also in time benefit all areas.

227 lbs,  Bloated and soft

sway back and pop belly

back fat and muffin top

2 weeks of gym, shakes and cleaner eating

217 lbs, using better posture

Did I mention I love socks?

soft but 1.5 inch gain in every body part

what's left of a use to be ripped back

delts, shoulders and pecs

not striated but some definition starting again

they may be small but they're starting to pop again
So there is the start but I must confess one thing. I wanted to prove a point. You cannot believe everything you hear and see. It is true that all these pictures are of me and are untouched but the only before and after is about 10 minutes apart. What people buy into on most systems is an illusion. The person makes themselves look  more out of shape while frowning and then for the after shots they are happy and looking so much better.
Even though I will post pictures along the way, they are only meant to give a reference point to my journey and how the tools and systems I use create visible changes. I will outline the steps in detail in an upcoming blog. Until then, don't be to harsh on yourself. Likewise stop using excuses for being out of wellness. If there was one word that describes a thousand pictures of me from a baby, through my teens and into my adult years what would that be? Purposed. Every cell in my body has been purposed for every stage I have gone through. Right now my journey of transformation begins a new stage. A stage formed by ARC (Attitude and Relentless Consistency), built by C3 (Character Commitment and Change) and driven by desire. Let's all find our one word that describes our body and make it real. Authentic is a good word to own at any age but at 40, like fine wine,  it may be that much better.



  1. OMG this is priceless!!! Thanks for reiterating what I've been telling people since the days of Body for Life about those before and after pics! LOL Love it! Love you Bro and can wait to see more of your progress.

  2. There is no doubt that people do change with many of the before and after but it is also true that many people try to sensationalize it. Thanks. I am also looking forward to watching you on your wellness journey. The best progress is the one we experience. Much better than the one we watch!
