Monday 24 March 2014



We often allow fear of people's thoughts, assumptions and judgments get the best of us. Amazing what happens when we take a risk and do what is necessary in order to get what we want.
So many people I know make decisions in their life and when people do not agree or see things as they do the first instinct is to run and hide. The big challenge is that we cannot run or hide from ourselves. So while we may feel good in the absence of challenge we should remember that...
...without resistance, nothing grows!*

From time to time I will introduce you to others who are choosing to live inspired lives in their own right. These people may have done more or less than you and I. None of that matters. What is important is that they are journeying towards better and people like me  are in a better place because of their choices. Sometimes the journey is of personal transformation, physical, etc. Other times the role is mental toughness or support. I look forward to introducing you to several people who have and in some cases are currently influencing my wellness walk significantly.
 Meet Belle
"WOW, I am writing my first ever blog post. I have been avoiding this and fear is showing up while writing this blog post. I’m sure everyone has had a fear in doing something. What would your fear be? Is it holding you back from doing something you really want to do? Could some of it be “What will others think of me for doing this” or “I’m not good enough/worthy of it”. There is always some kind of judgment taking place, whether judging ourselves or others. What would it be like if I just said "who cares what others think?  I’m going to do this anyway? I'm going to do what I need to for me!"
I have always had this image of myself being toned and fit and a part of me has always thought I have a pretty good body.  Deep inside I knew that was not necessarily true. My reality is that every part of my body hurts. Lately I have been going to sleep and waking up with headaches. I keep on doing things I want to do thinking that I am taking care of my body by eating healthy, walking and stretching. Every now and then I try doing weights – after a short time this fails.  I tell myself, that it's ok but deep down inside I know I need to do more. 
When I saw my friend Moira following her passion and Ray’s Facebook status on getting fit I was inspired to take charge of my health and bring it to a new level. I contacted both of them. I met Ray again after not speaking with him for more than a year. I was afraid of contacting him and meeting with him.  I thought he would not help me and wouldn't like me anymore. I was really embarrassed to ask him for help but I went ahead and did it. The worst thing that could have happened is that he would say no. These were my fears of rejection. Ray and I met and starting putting an action plan in place. We met again and he helped me with stretching.  It wasn't until I took the pictures of me below wearing a workout bra and shorts that I had a wake up call. 
 I did not realize I looked like this. I am nervous to post these pictures and of course all my friends on Facebook will really see me and what my body really looks like. I hide behind my clothes and wear things that will cover myself best. Most of us hide behind something, whether it be clothing, make up, relationships or anger. What do you use to hide yourself?  What do you hide from?  Do you find It terrifying to show your true self? Do you know what your true self really looks like? Do you have any of these kind of thoughts?  What if we all just came out of the closet and started being truthful? What would that look like? I am coming out of the closet and will post these pictures for the world to see. I have started a change journey. I am trusting Ray."
I think, if we can lie to ourselves about our physical self it is immeasurably easier to lie to ourselves about our emotional selves. After all, physical everyone sees easily but we don't have to open up our inside to others. I think that amazing things happen when we do get authentic though. Freedom. Empowering. Hope. Once we accept the truth of who we are, where we are and why we are here, so many wonderful things can happen.
This is a starting point. This is a public proclamation that something will be done about what we want to improve. This is not about shame. Shame occurs in the hiding. This is about acknowledgement. This is about overcoming fears. This is about being willing to do whatever it takes to have the life you know you are capable of. This is about doing what others are not willing to do in order to have what others will not have. This is about removing the excuses. Creating a fail forward system. This is about our life and the one shot we have to make it the best ever. This is about your journey. Do you have what it takes...

* without resistance/challenge, everything dies.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your journey Belle! It's always scary to let people see the deepest parts of ourselves, yet it is a freeing experience! Thanks for taking the risk! ... Thanks for what you do every day Ray!
