Friday 28 March 2014

Everyday Wellness inspirations

Meet Martina, (AKA Demi Moore)

An important disclaimer. I am not a doctor, unless other wise stated the contributors to this blog post are not doctors and are not attempting to give medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing any health habits. Just because something worked for an individual does not mean it will work for you. We are not employees of any health company. Not every statement in answer to my questions will be my opinion, C3 Wellness, Essential Care's or TriVita's. The purpose of this information is to share one person's journey so that you can fortify more courage to start or further pursue your own. Please use common sense and talk to a professional about your specific circumstances.

I promised two things in previous blogs that I have not forgotten.

  1. picture updates of my personal transformation journey so far
  2. information detailing why I take the supplements I do
Before I do that I  wanted to take a short break to introduce you to several individuals that have been on their own wellness journey, people that for different reasons inspire me, people that do what they do in their own unique way. These people are just like you and I. They have their good days, great days and regrettable days. I think you will be inspired and challenged by what they share. I think you will see how similar we all are and why we need to band together as a community and pursue wellness with passion. I asked several questions and here are the responses. So without any further delay, I want to introduce you to my dear friend Martina.

"First off I’m very happy you are doing this blog. I think for anyone reading it...they may get a little or a lot from reading it. Just depends on their needs. I enjoy reading your keep them coming!! 

Also to be completely honest. I’m surprised and honoured that I had a piece in your journey."

What is your wellness philosophy? Motto?
hmmm I’d like to say my philosophy is this: Moderation. Believe. Try with 100% effort. If it doesn’t work, find a way that it will. My motto: “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start” by John Bingham

At what event/moment did you become aware of your need to focus on wellness?

I’ve known for years (at least 10) that I needed to get in touch and focus on my “wellness”. Wow 10 years sad. The moment that motivated me to start ASAP: I took a mental health time off from work in 2011. I was off work for almost 5 mths. I was broken mentally, and spiritually. I couldn’t cope anymore with the turmoil in my life (another story I could tell you but would take forever ). My friend at the time, who happens to be my partner now, encouraged me to buy a pair of runners, and start running with him.

What has been your biggest obstacle?

Time!! (maybe a little procrastination)

Tell us about your biggest triumph to date.

2 finished marathons 5 mths apart in 2013.

How does government health care effect your wellness?

I’d look into more professional aid to compliment my exercising...but low limits or no coverage limits outside aid. (massage therapy, nutritionist, etc.)

Do you eat different because of your wellness focus? If so how?

Yes. My problem is more frequency. My job poses issues with just taking a fiver and gobbling a quick apple or half sandwich. I’m not too picky i.e. being a vegetarian or eating strictly organic...rather making sure I'm eating good choices and taking things into moderation. Though I have read many articles on benefits of the two mentioned...

What do you do for activity? How often?

Running. Depending on my goal at the time determines my intervals. Mostly 3 days a week at the minimum. Max not more than 4-5 day.

What do you supplement with if anything? Why?

No supplementing. Though I do have a bucket of protein powder that is sitting in my cupboard in case case I'm too lazy to make a decent The reason I don’t supplement. Is that long ago when I was bodybuilding...I had a PT(personal trainer)...that encouraged the thought process of: you should get all your vitamins minerals, proteins from natural food sources. That should be your base. Eat well all the time. Make healthy choices when it comes to food that enter your mouth. Supplement only when you have perfected your base...Since my eating habits are not my strong point....its what I strive to correct as time passes.

Have any health challenges threatened your wellness journey? How?

I’d say no. I haven’t had many health challenges. The only things that have maybe taken me away from training is injuries when I first started running (shin splints etc..) and I just had a varicose vein surgery. It wasn’t caused by running ...( pregnancy brought them on). I was able to take 3 weeks off and then resume training when it was safe.

If you could share one thought about wellness it would be?

Balance. Enjoyment...if your path doesn’t fit in your daily routine, or that you don’t feel happy that you are doing it. Then its not for you. When things work and your enjoying, you feel is good....then you know its the right path for you. I don’t mention that you are hitting your goals as most of the time you don’t see these results until you have been at it after a few months. So I always gauge how the fit is on how I’m feeling and if it works with my life.

How do you know me?

Well I first met you at the Bank. I’m a pretty forward person. You came in with a motorcycle helmet. Since I ride...I always say hello to fellow 2 wheelers. I think its important as its a community that I always try to support and build. Every time you came in I always made some point of contact. My job at the time required me to know my customers. But I take it to another level. I personalize my work. I always think what happens if I see you on the street...I want you to know I just don’t know you because of your account number. We always had a nice friendly chat, so I got to know you more. I remember when you fell ill, and I hadn’t seen you in the bank, you had me worried!! I remember meeting your wife and I think you had your kids...I felt so honoured in meeting them. I love when you meet someone and then they trust you to let them into their personal circle. You know you’ve touched and connected when that happens. It makes me happier than pie when that happens! I remember the chats we had about your business...and what you do. Then we exchanged Facebook I could check out the wellness information you had, at that point I had told you I had started running. I’ve always kept in touch with you and all the things that I have done with my running as I know you could use the information to help your business. OH I could go on...!!! I’ll stop here before I go on a tangent

Share our wellness connection from your point of view?

...oops! I kind of shared our wellness connection told me about the health problems you had and how you were overcoming them. You told me about the business you are in. I told you the things I have done with my running...and we shared our goals...

When and how did you find out you inspire me?

Inspire you! I had NO actually made my head be honest I have no clue if ANYONE reads my posts....I always post things on my running as its more of a pat on my own back to remind me of what I accomplished today. I share items on certain FB pages that I can refer back to. I love the FB inspirational stuff. It keeps me going. Now with all the posts that i put up...if you can get something out of them too...than its a win win. Now to this point I’m not sure what I have done that inspires are keeping that a secret...but I would love to hear which action got you going. All I know is i must be on the right track (mentally, physically and spiritually)  if your are motivated by me and my actions. I found out on your blog post last week that I had done such a thing! ha-ha 

What are your wellness goals for the future?

Well I’d like to say to be more consistent in my running. I enter at least 3-4 races of different lengths but I always have an A race where I try to accomplish a certain task. This year is 2 half marathons and to race a 5km and get a new PB (personal best) . (done!) Also, as my kids get older I would like to combine gym time with my running to be a better and faster runner. So when I have more free time when child commitments no longer need my participation I can manage including these activities.

What does community wellness mean to you?

Everyone coming together and putting in their experiences and knowledge so that everyone can benefit, ask questions or find support if needed. Like a hub of information that one can access.

What is something people wouldn't believe/know about you in regards to your wellness journey?
Something people wouldn’t believe or know about me about my wellness journey. I think this will shock everyone, and I don’t mind sharing this at all. I weigh nearly 185 lbs. When I started running 2.5 years ago I was a tad over 200. I dropped probably about 20 pounds but then gained a few back with muscle mass. There are parts of me that I wish I could just blink away, there are times I wish I could have a body that is “society “ perfect. But I usually snap my head out of that and say “F society and this is me” I really don’t care that I'm 18*lbs.  whatever! I can run 4 hours straight...and still smile. I don’t care that my butt doesn’t look good in Lululemon' they aren’t good quality clothing... I had to return their claimed running tights 3 times... as the stitching came undone. Not only that its only society that tells you that lululemon makes you look better...BS!!! also...I have 4 kids....and I’m doing it on my own. Happily. I find time for anything that is important to me. Work, soccer...coaching soccer. I have time for what matters. OH and lastly ....around my period time...i can eat up to 3 chocolate bars in one sitting. Then I usually cap it off with a 5-10 km run depending on I know I’m going straight to hell for that one!!

Pictures aren't everything but share a picture of you before embracing wellness and after.

Jan 26 2014 my last race to date –5 km where I PB 32min13 sec
Canada Day 2012...5km race I think i did a 38min...or 39 can’t remember. I had been running for only 6 mths
Sept 29 2012. My very first half marathon. 2 hrs. 43 min. Running 9 mths. approx.

This was me when I was 24/25 peak healthy. I was training to become a body builder (that was the lightest I had EVER been)...later that year I found out I was pregnant and subsequently miscarried (1998) I weighed about 145


I just took these 2 pics (black sports bra and shorts) I’m probably sitting at 187 ish...gained a few lbs from after surgery)

Picture of your most memorable wellness win.

Oct 13 2013. 2nd marathon last year. 5 hrs. 49 min. about 6 min longer than my first marathon 5 mths before.



As you can see...I don’t have that perfect running body that you see in the magazines. Even when I was training I still had size. This is me

soo here you go Ray...


ps funny how you take pics during you life...and the biggest change i see is the tattoos i now have that didn’t in previous pics lol


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