Happy Birthday Pepper!
Meeting Pepper was a challenge to say the least from the beginning but fate has a way of always coming in first. So many things have happened in the years I've known Pepper. (Only she could get away with calling me a fruit I despise.) But that's just it. Nothing is typical with her and if your world intersects with hers' then your life will forever be impacted. I wish you could see the person she was, who she is and where she is going like I do. Inspiration is more empowering when those who think they can't and are told they can't...do. That is what I hope to share with you. We are often brainwashed into a failure or self destructive mindset. With the right focus, will to hold on and someone to believe in you anything is possible. I believe in Pepper...not just because she believes in me but because like few people, she did so when there was little reason to. Here is her story.
“You don’t need to be GREAT to start but you have to START to be great.”
As a person with low
self esteem and a lack of confidence, that statement is an eye roller. I never
thought of myself as being capable of good let alone great. I never had the
courage to be bold or step out of my comfort zone. It was all new to me when I
met Banana. He pushed me beyond my limits and showed me that thriving and bettering
myself is one thing I need to do for me.
“YOU have to believe in yourself
because if you don’t, then NO ONE else will.”